Full tank?

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Greg C
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Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:42 am

Post by Greg C »

Wondering if someone can enlighten me about this. When I first bought my kia Niro 2023 in Sept this year I was able to fill up the petrol tank to 507 miles max. Now, just a couple of months after, I'm only able to fill it up to 486 miles. Why have I lost these 20 miles? This morning after filling up the tank to the very top which again was 486 miles I went to a second petrol station just to see if I could top up some more. I was able to add a further £4.70. But then when I started the car it still read 486 miles. Doesn't seem right to me. Anyone else with this issue? I appreciate it.

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Post by Ghannero »

The range estimate isn't super precise to begin with, and it can change based on driving style, weather, and even the fuel's blend. Adding a few quid after a full tank is normal, it's just topping off the vapor space. But the 20-mile drop in the displayed range is odd. Maybe check your tyre pressure, underinflation can affect fuel economy and thus the range estimate.
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Post by Sonyaci »

That's odd. The range estimate on the dash is just that, an estimate. It changes based on driving style, weather, and even the car's internal calculations. Adding fuel after a full tank usually means the initial reading was slightly off. The extra £4.70 probably just filled the tiny bit of space left in the tank that the gauge doesn't register. Unless you're consistently seeing a significant drop in range, I wouldn't worry too much.
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Post by Ghannero »

It could be down to driving habits or how the system calculates the range. Sometimes, the range doesn't update right away after topping up.
Greg C
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Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:42 am

Post by Greg C »

Thank you all for your advice. Much appreciated. I can't help feeling like, after reading online that one of the great features of a kia niro is that it can reach up to 600 miles on a full tank, that even 507 miles, as it used to get when I first purchased mine this past Sept is not even close. Today I could only fill up completely to 476 miles. It's quite cold outside today so not sure if that plays a part. I just don't want to feel like I'm getting less, much less it feels regarding miles, than I bargained for in a proper hybrid. Granted it still currently gets better mileage than my old petrol ford focus 1.0 so that's a plus.
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Post by m.scott »

I may be wrong but I thought it calculates the mileage on the last few miles that you have driven. If you had done ie 50mpg over the last few miles, then it would calculate at that rate. If you had done 55mpg then it would calculate at the rate. I get different readings depending on how I drive and weather. I did read somewhere that a battery can be 20% less efficient during cold weather, which means the ICE will be on longer so reducing the miles you can get from a full tank.
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Post by h2onorth »

Agree the range is based on average MPG over recent journeys so obviously over 500 summer and 450 to 480 winter. Same effect on the last journey MPG based on distance and economy it will be adjusted according to speed ,terrain and traffic. It’s not scientific really just reality
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