Morning all,
Yesterday I tried to charge the eNiro to 80%. I had 105 miles left and after about an hour (having been told it would take 4.5 hrs) It told me "charging complete as configured" 51%!! and 125 miles.
To cut a long story short I had to keep pressing the 'charge button on the app and eventually it was cutting out about every 2 minutes. I checked that the car agreed with the app, Tick. I rebooted the charger.Tick.
Any ideas? I have been bounced from pillar to post round Kia and have written to their 'charging dept' & the charger manufacturer (SYNC EV)
Fault with App or fault with car? Next time I have to charge I will make the charger 'dumb' i:e by-pass the app. if it then works it is the app at fault. if it still doesn't work I assume the car is faulty. Ho-Hum what fun!!
79 cars so far! Now 71 Reg eNiro 4+ Yacht Blue.
Dip Mech Eng (automotive)
Mod Karoq & HR-V forums.
After an AWFUL lot of faffing about Hendy discovered it required a software update. Apparently the need for that has never, in their experience, come to light. It now charges perfectly.
79 cars so far! Now 71 Reg eNiro 4+ Yacht Blue.
Dip Mech Eng (automotive)
Mod Karoq & HR-V forums.
Before you go completely app-less, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app sometimes that fixes weird glitches. If the problem persists after that, bypassing the app is a good diagnostic step.
Before you go "dumb," try a different charging cable if you have one. Sometimes a dodgy cable can cause weird charging glitches. If that doesn't work, your plan to bypass the app is a good diagnostic step.
IT'S SORTED!! Posted on Fri Nov 29, 2024 10:28 am
Thank you Peeps, but as I said it is now working perfectly following a 2 hour software update.
Thanks again.
79 cars so far! Now 71 Reg eNiro 4+ Yacht Blue.
Dip Mech Eng (automotive)
Mod Karoq & HR-V forums.