12V Battery issues

Faults and Technical chat for the Kia Niro
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Post by noofsquidis8 »

Hi. We have a 2022 eNiro, and for the last year we've been having problems with not being able to start the car due to a flat battery.

We live remotely on a Scottish island and therefore we have a 6 hour ferry to the nearest Kia dealership. The car has been back to them twice now, and both times they've told us they can't locate any issues and the car's fine (even thought on the second visit someone admitted it had gone flat on them, which they've now subsequently denied). Due to them finding no fault, we've had to pay for the shipping of the car and the dealers' investigations.

I started doing some investigations of my own, and fitted a USB battery monitor to see what was happening. We had suspected that there was something draining the battery parasitically, but since installing the monitor, the data shows that the battery drops to 7V within a matter of seconds, usually within a few minutes of turning off the car and walking away. I'd also read that there may historically have been an issue with a sensor in the boot, so for the last 5 days, we haven't opened the boot once. In those 5 days, not one instance of a flat battery.

Does anyone have any similar experiences, and what the issue could be? I really want to be able to tell the dealership what the issue is, as in our experience, it feels like we aren't being believed. Unfortunately, Kia themselves have said they can't get involved unless the dealership discovers a fault first. I really want to get all my evidence lined up before going back to them, as it's costs a lot of money to keep sending a car back and forth on a boat.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Colin Lambert
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Post by Colin Lambert »

Why don't you email the dealer with the facts you have quoted here and see what they say. If they poo-poo it then I would take it up with Kia sending them the information. Following no action from either, how about a solicitor's letter to both?
Or, since you have to go to the mainland, try another dealer with the facts first just to see if they are more helpful.
Good luck!
79 cars so far! Now 71 Reg eNiro 4+ Yacht Blue.
Dip Mech Eng (automotive)
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Post by Sonyaci »

The rapid voltage drop points to a significant short circuit somewhere, not a parasitic drain. Since opening the boot seems to trigger it, I'd strongly suspect a wiring issue in the boot area, maybe a pinched wire or a faulty component. Print out your battery monitor data and take it back to the dealership, emphasizing the speed of the voltage drop. That's hard evidence they can't ignore.
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